Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The beautiful Jacaranda trees are in full bloom all over the island in April and the one in front of my house is quite pretty.  It's a fast growing tree with spreading branches and the most beautiful blue-violet blossoms in the spring.


sonja said...

that is a favorite tree for me too! we have a bunch up in the central island area and i love the ones that line the enterance to the grange hall where Kunia orchid show used to be held. a beautiful shade of periwinkle purple!

BarbR said...

One of my all time favorite visual memories is Upcountry Maui and the haze of lavender jacaranda trees. Wish we could grow them here on the leeward side. =!=

Kathy said...

Sonja, periwinkle was the color I was trying to think of -- thanks!

Barb, is it too hot where you are for the jacaranda? They are on the road to Kona but it is definitely at a higher elevation so probably a lot cooler than in Kona itself.

I just wish they would bloom more than once a year.
