Friday, February 5, 2010

Cherry Blossom Time

It's Cherry Blossom Festival today. Our cold weather brought out the blossoms just in time for the festival, which celebrates all things Japanese. It's the biggest celebration in Waimea and includes crafts, demonstrations, entertainment and lots of food. Today's weather looks just perfect so I expect a big crowd. I baked a couple batches of wonderful Cherry Cream Scones for the bake sale at the Firehouse Gallery . Proceeds to go to the gallery. Hope I don't eat too many before I get there....

The recipe is from a book called the Sweeter Side of Amy's Bread. Amy is a baker who owns several cafes in NY City. Another equally delicious recipe is her White Chocolate Cherry Chunkers -- similar to chocolate chip cookies but with cherries and oatmeal and oh, so good.

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