Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm on Amazon!

I logged on to my createspace.com site to check on my order and to my suprise I saw that four people have already purchased copies of my scarf book at Amazon.com.  My intention was to purchase copies myself to sell at craft fairs along with my scarves but this is a nice bonus.

The price is $8 at Amazon, which is what I'm charging, but with Amazon it qualifies for their free shipping deal if your order totals at least $25. The official title, if you want to look for it, is "Scarves and How to Wear Them" and it looks just like this:

My photobook of cats, called Friends, is also available at Amazon.com for the same price of $8. It, too, is a softcover, 8x8" square book full of pictures of some very photogenic cats on the Big Island.  I changed the cover photo and added some additional pictures in this addition, but otherwise it looks like the one you see on the sidebar that I created at Blurb.com. The cover now looks like this:

Everyone who has seen this book loves the photos -- if there is a cat lover among your family or friends, it makes a great, inexpensive gift. 

You can click on the photos of these two books on the blog sidebar and get a preview of each one.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Congratulations Kathy!!!!! I didn't realize you were in print. That is exciting!